Peterhead Ear Health Care | New Premium Ear Care |
Ear Health Checks for both adults and children in Peterhead
Services available include Ear Health Checks for both adults and children.
Ear wax and debris removal, short and long term ear care management plans and treatment.
Ear wax and debris removal, short and long term ear care management plans and treatment.
The care you will receive is carried out by a fully qualified NHS (ENT) Ear Nose and Throat Specialised Nurse Practitioner.
The equipment used is of an extremely high quality medical grade to ensure exceptional care and treatment.
Reduced hearing, ear pain and discomfort, recurrent infection, dry itchy ears, weeping, ringing in the ears and dizziness.
Those wearing hearing aids can experience further hearing loss and whistling from their hearing devices.
Checker Health Checks are completed in order to identify the nature of an ear complaint, discomfort or any obvious reason for hearing loss.
The most common problems of the ear include blocked ears, infections, otitis external (Swimmer’s Ear), dizziness (vertigo) and wax build-up.
Ear issues left unaddressed can result in serious life long problems and possible hearing loss.
Microsuction uses a small medical suction device to gently hoover wax and any other debris from the ear. It is much safer than syringing as water is not forced into the ear.
The procedure is performed using high quality medical grade equipment and technology. High magnification is also used allowing for a clear view of the ear and a more detailed assessment.
Microsuction is the gold standard of ear care, and you will receive a service equivalent to that offered by the NHS.
Microsuction is a major advancement in ear wax and debris removal.
Traditional methods such as ear syringing and irrigation use water to flush out the wax and debris, the ear cannot be viewed during the procedure therefore there is an increased risk of incomplete removal and more serious side effects such as pain, perforation of the ear drum, infection and hearing loss.

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- 07810 352886
53, Clerkhill Road
AB42 2XF