New Starbucks Peterhead open on Buchan Way 15 Oct
A new Starbucks Peterhead Drive Thru store open on Buchan Way, on Friday 15 October.
Peterhead Town sits at the easternmost point in mainland Scotland, Aberdeenshire.
A new Starbucks Peterhead Drive Thru store open on Buchan Way, on Friday 15 October.
New smoke and heat alarm regulations
New smoke and heat alarm regulations
Greens Supermarket Peterhead
Visited Peterhead today Merv Howard
Local Business SYMPOSIUM coffee house
Residents of Peterhead and the surrounding should note that the community testing for those without Covid symptoms has been extended until the end of June.
You can still get tested and also pick up your own pack of lateral flow tests at the Rescue Hall on Prince Street from 8am-8pm.
It remains open to anyone who lives, works or studies in and around the town.
By taking the test, residents will be able to better protect their family, colleagues and the wider community by ensuring they are not spreading the virus to others without knowing it.
Author: Morven Jane
I wanted to share some information about the site to make people feel more comfortable about visiting.
Community testing allows for early identification of outbreaks and reassures you that you can safely go about your essential duties.
If you are an employer, encouraging your staff to be tested can give you peace of mind, at no cost to your business.
If you are already being offered testing, e.g. teachers, but are apprehensive, we will guide you through the process and hopefully give you the confidence to test at home in the future.
Our Peterhead Community Test Centre is based in the Rescue Hall on Prince Street and is open 8.00AM – 7.30PM every day, including weekends, until at least late May.
Anyone who lives/works/studies/shops in Peterhead and the surrounding area can come along up to twice a week for a self administered lateral flow test, which obtains results in less than an hour.
Being tested counts as essential travel, but we encourage you to visit as part of another essential journey, such as before a grocery shop or at school drop off.
All ages are welcome, but those aged 12-17 should have consent from a guardian and those under 12 must have a guardian with them to assist with the swabbing process.
If you need additional support, you can come along with other members of your household support bubble, such as a carer or translator (although we do have translation facilities available).
Please note that staff cannot administer any swab test. To be eligible for testing you must not have any coronavirus symptoms (new persistent cough, fever, loss of change in taste or smell), have had a coronavirus vaccine in the last 3 days, or have tested positive for Covid in the last 90 days.
In addition, avoid eating or drinking anything in the half hour before you carry out the test.
On arrival we will take your name and a contact telephone number (only used if your test is positive, and destroyed at the end of each day).
Scanning a QR code opens the website where you will register your test – staff are on hand to assist with this if needed and tablets are available for those without a smartphone.
The form is quite long, but there’s no rush – you will be asked to stand on one of the socially distanced crosses while you complete it.
After registration, you will be taken to one of three testing booths where an operative will guide you through the swabbing process. Once seated, you may remove your mask and blow your nose.
Open the swab packet AT THE HANDLE END, just enough to pull the swab out.
Swipe the (tiny – see photo!) swab over each tonsil 4 times, taking care not to let the swab touch anything else (hands, table, tongue, teeth, etc.) then rotate the same swab inside one nostril 10 times (only going up until you feel resistance).
Insert the swab (swab end first) into the tube provided, then put your mask back on and wipe down your booth. You will leave the test centre following the one way system, where someone will provide you with an information leaflet. Your test result will be registered after 30 minutes and a text/email automatically sent to you.
Only if you do not have easy access to either of these may you wait in the centre to receive your result.In the unlikely event your result is positive, staff at the centre will contact you to arrange for PCR tests to be sent for all members of your household.
You and all in your household (including in extended household) MUST go home immediately and self isolate. If your PCR tests are negative, you may end your self isolation. A major misconception about community testing is that it is designed to increase the number of positive cases.
Undoubtedly some asymptomatic positive cases will be detected that would not have otherwise, however detecting these prevents them from spreading it to others, causing more positive cases in the following weeks. In addition, by testing asymptomatic individuals, the percentage of positive tests will likely decrease as most at the site will receive a negative result.
I hope this has reassured people who are apprehensive about being tested and highlighted the importance of community testing.
We hope to see you soon!
Peterhead Community Test Centre and Morven Jane
Peterhead.Live on Facebook or Twitter to get more actual information
Will be the first market since highly successful launch in November 2020, Rediscover Peterhead is delighted to confirm that the Peterhead Producers’ Market planned for Saturday 03/04/2021.
Here is Last Producer’s Market
This market will focus on Food and Drink and Peterhead Producers’ Market would urge any businesses who are interested in taking part to get in touch as soon as possible.
First market in November was really successful, with a number of traders commenting that it was their best ever trading day at any market.
Priority will be given to those who supported first event and then on a first come first basis with the emphasis being very much on local Scottish produce.
The pitch fee is £40 which includes a fully assembled stall, if required.
Market stall fees have been subsidised by Rediscover Peterhead with the support of funding from Aberdeenshire Council and the NESFLAG Coastal Communities Challenge Fund.
Peterhead Producers’ Market Will be working hard to ensure a well organised and safe market with a one-way system in operation.
For further information and bookings, please contact Alasdair who is our market operator –
Start Date/Time 08 Feb 2021
End Date/Time 21 Feb 2021
Location: Queen street, Peterhead (from 36-48)
For 14 Days
Access will be provided for emergency and vehicles requiring access to properties but may be subject to delay until the road is cleared of construction plant to allow safe passage through the work.
Prohibition of Waiting and Footpath Closure (Access will be maintained to shops)
For any queries please contact Seivwright Brothers Ltd – 01466 751316
Alternative route: St.Peter street, Prince street, Back street, Backgate, Windmill street
More information you can find:
new funds to support businesses
From today, local authorities will start to approach brewers, travel agents and indoor football centres inviting them to claim grants of £10,000 or £25,000. A higher payment of £30,000 will be available to the largest brewers.
Councils will brief around 400 eligible businesses on their potential entitlement and ask them to provide supporting information and bank account details. Owners do not need to apply, or contact the local authority.
Finance Secretary Kate Forbes said:
“We started 2021 in a way none of us envisaged nor wanted, with additional measures in place to limit the spread of the new strain of COVID-19, protect our NHS and save lives.
“These funds recognise the unprecedented challenges that brewers, travel agents and indoor football centres have experienced since March as a result of necessary restrictions.
“We are acutely aware that this support can never compensate for the full impact on business, but we must work within the resources that are available to us, and we continue to respond to the evolving economic challenges arising from the pandemic.”
The Scottish Government has allocated £3 billion in business support since the start of the pandemic on top of support available through the UK Government.
Grants available:
• £10,000 for premises which have a rateable value of up to and including £18,000
• £25,000 for premises which have a rateable value of £18,001 or above
• £30,000 for brewers only operating a property with a rateable value of over £51,000 or production over 5,000HL in 2019
More information on the Brewers Support Fund
More information on Support for Travel Agents
More information on Support for Indoor Football Centres