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Aden Country Park cafe closes

Aden Country Park cafe closes

Buchan Development Partnership has taken the difficult decision to close Aden Country Park cafe

Buchan Development Partnership has taken the difficult decision to close down the cafe in Aden Country Park. The Aden Café was located in the central courtyard area, next to the Aberdeenshire Farming Museum.

The cafe was opened in September 2022 by the charity with the aim of generating funds to support BDP’s Community Development work.

It is with regret, we now announce the closure of our popular cafe. The decision was taken by the board of trustees in response to the rising costs to run the business.

The Directors would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff and volunteers who worked so hard to create a friendly, welcoming cafe and most especially our customers who have been a pleasure to meet and serve.

Aden Country Park cafe closes
Buchan Development Partnership has taken the difficult decision to close Aden Country Park cafe

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