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Amazing Full Moon Calendar 2023-2024

When to See Next Full Moon? Calendar tells you dates, times, and unique names given to each.

Full moon meaning

Astrologically speaking, a full moon is considered a culmination or a climax—a time in which to get back on the proper path. 

Those who are new to the study often times believe that they should be manifesting during a full moon.

However, a new moon presents the best opportunities for manifestation.  

In terms of astronomy, a full moon is opposite the sun in its orbit around Earth.

Historically speaking, Native Americans and Europeans gave each monthly lunation a moniker to coincide with the time of year

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(Times listed are Eastern Standard or Eastern Daylight where appropriate, (GMT+5) transfer to European Standard GMT+1, just add 5 hours.)

Full Moon Calendar 2023

Full Moon DateNative American NameTime of Full Moon
6th JanuaryWolf Moon6:08 PM
5th FebruarySnow Moon1:29 PM
7th MarchWorm Moon7:40 AM
6th AprilPink Moon12:34 AM
5th MayFlower Moon1:34 PM
3rd JuneStrawberry Moon11:42 PM
3rd JulyBuck Moon7:39 AM
1st AugustSturgeon Moon2:32 PM
30th AugustBlue Moon9:36 PM
29th SeptemberHarvest Moon5:58 AM
28th OctoberHunter’s Moon4:24 PM
27th NovemberBeaver Moon4:16 AM
26th DecemberCold Moon7:33 PM

Full Moon Calendar 2024

Full Moon DateNative American NameTime of Full Moon
25th JanuaryWolf Moon12:54 PM
24th FebruarySnow Moon7:30 AM
25th MarchWorm Moon3:00 AM
23rd AprilPink Moon7:49 PM
23rd MayFlower Moon9:53 AM
21th JuneStrawberry Moon9:08 PM
21th JulyBuck Moon6:17 AM
19th AugustSturgeon Moon2:26 PM
17th SeptemberHarvest Moon10:34 PM
17th OctoberHunter’s Moon7:26 AM
15th NovemberBeaver Moon4:29 PM
15th DecemberCold Moon4:02 AM

The Moon is one of nature’s wonders, but to photograph it successfully, you first have to understand it.

Although astrophotographers specializing in the Moon usually photograph it through a powerful telescope, a telephoto lens of almost any focal length is good enough to get a good Moon shot.

Making the Moon the sole focus of a shot, however, is only one way to approach lunar photography; another is for it to enhance a landscape photo, where it can provide a powerful addition to a wide-angle image.

The Moon is a moving target; the combination of Moon’s 2,288 miles-per-hour orbit and Earth’s 1,000 miles-per-hour rotation makes our satellite a fast-moving target.

However, it’s usually bright enough for a relatively fast shutter speed to yield good results.

How to focus on the Moon

Although you can autofocus on the Moon as it rises, or as it becomes visible just before sunset, it’s a good idea to focus manually.

With your lens set to manual focus, set the focusing ring to infinity.

It takes some practice, since most cameras can focus beyond infinity, and finding the exact point that works for your lens takes trial and error. 

Take some test shots and zoom in on the result on your camera’s LCD screen to see which one works best.

Don’t skip this step; only once you’ve done it correctly will your Moon photos be reliably sharp.

How to expose for the Moon

It’s a common mistake to overexpose the moon, but it’s actually much brighter than you think. However, if you want to photograph the foreground and not just the moon by itself, you will need to make sure your exposure works for both or use bracketing to take multiple shots with different exposures. 

To get a great Moon shot and little else, set your camera to ISO 100 or ISO 200 and the aperture to between f/5.6 and f/11, and adjust your shutter speed to between 1/125sec and 1/250sec.

The exact settings will vary depending on your camera and the brightness of the Moon, which depends on its exact phase, but these base settings will get you started.

How to capture a moonrise or moonset

There are two exceptions to the advice to avoid photographing the Full Moon.

The first is when there’s a total lunar eclipse, and the second is when a Full Moon as it rises or sets, as it’s a great alternative to a sunset.

The sight of a Full Moon peeking above the horizon and turning from deep orange to pale yellow to bright white during twilight is a spectacular sight.

It also presents an opportunity to get the Moon in the context of a beautiful landscape.

The colourful spectacle lasts mere minutes and is easy to miss, but, like everything else in the night sky, a rising Full Moon is predictable down to the second.

Simply find out exactly on what day the next Full Moon is going to be where you are, and exactly what time sunset is on that date, then look to the east for the moonrise. Start-off with your camera set to ISO 100, f10 and 1/125.

Full moon
Peterhead Harbour. Credit to Steven David McCarron

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