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Peterhead Roadworks and nearest areas

New – Portable Traffic Lights North of Peterhead A90

Roadworks with Portable traffic Lights North of Peterhead between Fraserburgh on A90

Portable traffic Lights South of Peterhead

8th November

Start Date:8 November, 8:00am
End Date:9 November, 5:00pm
Estimated Duration:2 Days
Location:A90 Rathen – Temporary traffic signals
Traffic Management:Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS)
Description:Carriageway Patching

10th November

Start Date:10 November, 8:00am
End Date:10 November, 5:00pm
Estimated Duration:1 Day
Location:A90 Cortes – Temporary traffic signals
Traffic Management:Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS)
Description:Gully/ironwork repairs

13th November

Start Date:13 November, 7:30am
End Date:22 December, 6:30pm
Estimated Duration:40 Days
Location:A90 Lonmay to Rathen Drainage works – TTL’s
Traffic Management:Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS)
Description:Filter Drain

20th November

Start Date:20 November, 7:00am
End Date:27 November, 5:00pm
Estimated Duration:8 Days
Location:A90 Crimond – TTL’s
Traffic Management:Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS)
Description:Third Party Works
Portable traffic Lights South of Peterhead
Portable Traffic Lights North of Peterhead A90



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New – A90 north of Peterhead TTLS

A90 north of Peterhead TTLS at Hallmoss Farm To Links Road St Fergus, St Fergus

A90 north of Peterhead TTLS
Start Date:6 November, 8:00am
End Date:6 November, 5:00pm
Estimated Duration:1 Day
Location:A90 C5b at Hallmoss Farm To Links Road St Fergus, St Fergus
Traffic Management:Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS)
Description:Gully/ironwork repairs

 A90 north of Peterhead - Temporary traffic signals

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New – Queen Street Closure 6.11

Peterhead Ironworks repairs on part of Queen Street Closure

Queen street min
Start Date:6 November
End Date:6 November
Estimated Duration:1 Day
Location:from Victoria Road to King Street
Traffic Management:Road closure
Description:Ironworks repairs
Diversion:Victoria Road, Windmill Road, King Street and Vice Versa
Queen street closure

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New – Longside road closure for 19 Nights

Resurfacing works between Peterhead and Mintlaw on the part of A950 with Longside road closure for 19 Nights

Start Date:13 November
Estimated Duration:19 Nights
Location:from A90 to A952 (only between 20:00 – 6:00)
Traffic Management:Road closure
Description:Resurfacing works
Diversion:A90, A952 and vice versa
Longside road closure for 19 Nights

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A90 Overnight convoy system St Fergus

Surfacing improvements on A90 near St. Fergus with Overnight convoy system

First section:

Start Date:10 October, 7:30pm
End Date:13 October, 6:30am
Estimated Duration:3 Days
Location:From Lunderton Layby to the St Fergus Cemetery.
Traffic Management:Overnight convoy_system
Description:Resurfacing and lining improvement

Second section

Start Date:22 October, 7:30pm
End Date:26 October, 6:30am
Estimated Duration:5 Days
Location:From St Fergus village heading south.
Traffic Management:Overnight convoy_system
Description:Resurfacing and lining improvement



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