Lockdown Scotland, Level 4 has come into force for Scotland from today.
To minimise the risk of spreading the virus, you should stay at home or in your local area as much as possible and only travel out with your Local Authority area for essential purposes.
Level 4 rules are similar to the nationwide lockdown scotland we experienced in March, however there are some differences this time around.
Non-essential shops, pubs and restaurants will have to shut except for takeaways, drive-throughs and deliveries.
Following a rule change on what is classed as an essential shop – meaning garden centres, homeware and furniture shops like B&Q will have to shut – the First Minister has suggested that stricter restrictions, enforced by law, could follow.
Lockdown Scotland, The measures entail:
Rules indoors
People should not be meeting in each others houses, however six adults from two separate households can meet in a public place. Children under 12 do not count towards that total.
Exceptions to the ban on household meetings include another household providing care and support to a “vulnerable person.”
The extended household rule applies in level four, which allows people who live alone – or who are a single adult with children under 18 – being considered part of another household to reduce loneliness and isolation.
Where parents do not live in the same household, children can move between their parents’ homes.
Outdoor meetings
You can meet people from other households outdoors in a private garden or in a public place such as a park. The maximum number of people who can meet outdoors is 6 which can be from up to 2 separate households.
Children under the age of 12 from these households do not count towards the total number of people counted in a gathering. Children under 12 do not need to maintain physical distance from others. This is to allow children under 12 to play with their friends outside.
Young people aged between 12 and 17 can meet up in groups of up to 6 at a time outdoors and are not subject to the 2 household limit. Physical distancing is required.
Where an individual household includes more than 6 people, they can continue to meet outside as a household even if the total number of people exceeds 6.
Schools, colleges and universities can remain open in level 4, however this time around, Scotland faces a new period of disruption to schooling.
Most pupils will not return on 11 January, with online learning reintroduced until at least 18 January.
All restaurants, cafes and bars will close in Level 4.
Takeaways can continue to operate and hotels can serve food to overnight guests up to 10pm.
The Scottish Government website states that you cannot travel into or out of Level 3 and 4 local authority areas except for essential reasons.
Supermarkets, clothes shops and markets
All non-essential shops will shut from Boxing Day for three weeks.
Shops that can remain open include supermarkets as well as click and collect and on-line services. This no longer includes homeware, furniture or garden centres.
Hairdressers and barbers:
Any service which involves “close contact” cannot operate. This includes hairdressers, barbers, hair removal and massage therapies. It also includes dress-fitting, tattoo and piercing and indoor portrait photography.
Sport, leisure and entertainment:
Indoor sports facilities, including gyms, will close from Boxing Day. You can still meet others outdoors for informal exercise or sport and outdoor gyms can remain open.
Outdoor non-contact sports are permitted for all age groups.
All leisure and entertainment premises, including cinemas, must also close.
Film and TV production can continue however all public buildings such as libraries have to shut. Click and collect services can still operate.
Places of worship:
Indoor acts of worship are limited to a maximum of 20 people providing there is sufficient space to maintain safe 2 metre distancing.
Wedding ceremonies and civil partnerships, with a maximum of 20 people including the couple, are permitted providing the venue is large enough for 2m distancing. Face coverings are compulsory except for the couple getting married and person conducting the service, however receptions cannot follow a ceremony.
Funerals and wakes can take place with maximum of 20 guests.