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Boddam Post Office & Shop Couple To Retire

Boddam Post Office & shop couple to retire after nearly 49 years

Popular couple Rita and Stan Cordiner have today sadly announced their retirement from Boddam Post Office after nearly 49 years of loyal service.


  • Rita and Stan Cordiner have loyally served Boddam community, near Peterhead, for nearly 49 years
  • Boddam Post Office in the family for over 60 years
  • Couple to retire

Popular couple Rita and Stan Cordiner have today sadly announced their retirement from Boddam Post Office after nearly 49 years of loyal service.

Stan, whose extended family have run Boddam Post Office for over 60 years said: “Both Rita and I have passed retirement age, and the business is due to close on March 18 as we feel that it is the right time to step down.

“Rita and I really didn’t want to leave our village without an essential Post Office and shop, but we have been looking for a suitable buyer for some time and sadly we have unable to find one.

“We managed to stay open throughout the pandemic and people were very grateful. Our community will really miss the business when it closes and they will be sad to hear the news. We are obviously disappointed that there is no solution.”

Rita took on the shop at 3 Rocksley Drive, Boddam, Peterhead, AB423BA, in 1975. Less than a year later, the Post Office was added to the shop and Rita became sub-postmistress in September 1976.

Previously, Boddam Post Office had been operated by Stan’s relatives elsewhere in the village. The building itself was constructed in the 1930’s when it was opened as a tea room, confectioner and ice cream shop.

Rita and Stan’s business was rebranded a few years ago when they adopted the quirky name of the “Red Shed” as it is covered in bright red corrugated metal.

The shop also provided an essential foodbank facility for village people until the Boddam Hub was in a position to take it over.

Postmistress, Rita Cordiner, said: “The best thing about being Postmistress and running a shop is all the local people you meet. We really care about the community and we like to help people. We have very fond memories of this shop. All three of our children worked here.

“We want to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff, suppliers and shelfers (past and present) who have faithfully served us over the years – not forgetting our loyal customers without whom there would have been no Red Shed or Post Office.”

Post Office Area Change Manager, David Duff, said “Rita and Stan are a lovely couple and they have been very loyal and committed to this community for nearly five decades. They have really enjoyed serving this village and they tried really hard to find new owners. It is a lovely part of Scotland.”

Boddam post office min

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New Yellow Warning of Ice Affecting Aberdeenshire

New Yellow Warning of Ice Affecting Aberdeenshire

New Yellow Warning of Ice Affecting Aberdeenshire

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Yellow warning of snow ice affecting Aberdeenshire

Yellow warning of snow ice affecting Aberdeenshire

Yellow warning of snow ice affecting Aberdeenshire

Read More

Flood Warning Issued for Peterhead to Boddam

Flood Warning Issued for Peterhead

Flood Warning Issued for Peterhead to Boddam, Wave overtopping is expected to affect low lying parts of Roanheads and Buchanhaven

The area highlighted in red indicates the target area that SEPA will issue a flood warning for.

Flood Warning Issued for Peterhead to Boddam
Flood Warning Issued for Peterhead

Flood WARNING UPDATE. Flooding is expected in Peterhead to Boddam. Act now.

A combination of high tides and prevailing weather conditions means that flooding from the sea is expected to affect low lying land, roads and properties along the Aberdeenshire coast from Peterhead to Boddam.

Wave overtopping is expected to affect low lying parts of Roanheads and Buchanhaven.

Flooding impacts are expected around the time of high tide at 02:15 on Saturday 19th October.

Remain vigilant and remember, it is your responsibility to take actions which help protect yourself and your property. Advice and information is available on our website or by calling Floodline on 0345 988 1188.

Phone Floodline on 0345 988 1188 and use quick dial 21176


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Cenos Floating Offshore Windfarm

Cenos Floating Offshore Windfarm consultation event 01.10

Members of the public and other stakeholders are invited to attend a consultation event on the proposals for the Cenos Floating Offshore Windfarm. 

Members of the public and other stakeholders are invited to attend a consultation event on the proposals for the Cenos Floating Offshore Windfarm.  The event, which will be held at Peterhead Football Club on 1 October 2024 is hosted by Cenos Offshore Windfarm Limited, a joint venture project between Flotation Energy and Vårgrønn. The project team will be on hand to answer questions and invite feedback on the proposals for associated infrastructure.

With a nominal capacity of up to 1400 MW, Cenos is a pioneering project that will   provide renewable power to the UK grid and the possibility to electrify and decarbonise offshore oil and gas platforms in the UK North Sea. Delivered as part of Crown Estate Scotland’s Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) leasing round, once complete, Cenos will be one of the world’s largest floating offshore windfarms, providing 5.5 TWh+ of renewable power to the UK grid each year.

Cenos will be located approximately 200km due east of shore from Aberdeen, and Peterhead is the closest coastline approximately 190km from the array boundary. The activity within Scottish Territorial Waters will consist of installation of a submarine export cable bundle from the windfarm site to landfall and associated rock deposits along partial lengths of the cable within the cable trench(es) to ensure complete burial and at cable crossing locations. The offshore export cables are proposed to make landfall close to Long Haven – between the villages of Boddam and Longhaven. Cenos Offshore Windfarm Limited is currently preparing consenting applications for the offshore aspects of the Project.

The onshore aspects for ongoing grid connection have already been consented through the NorthConnect HVDC Cable Planning Consent (Planning Application Reference Number APP/2015/1121 and APP/2018/1831). The onshore aspects are therefore not assessed as part of current consent applications, which relate solely to the offshore project (seaward of Mean Low Water Springs).

The pre-application consultation event will be held on 1 October 2024, at Balmoor Stadium, Peterhead Football Club, Balmoor Terrace, Peterhead, AB2 1EQ, in accordance with The Marine Licensing (Pre-Application Consultation) (Scotland) Regulations 2013.

The two sessions will be held on 1 October from 12-3pm and 4-7pm.

Christopher Pearson, Project Director for the Cenos Floating Offshore Windfarm said:

“Our Cenos project will play a critical role in speeding up the energy transition, strengthening Scotland and the UK’s position as a global leader in floating wind.

“Feedback from the local community is a vital component to assuring we develop our proposals effectively and in tune with all stakeholder requirements. That’s why we are inviting everyone with an interest in the project to come along and meet the team on 1 October and are keen to hear their views.

“For anyone unable to attend in person, all relevant information will also be posted on our website at

Cenos and its partner project Green Volt (which has already been granted full onshore and offshore consent) will accelerate the delivery of renewable energy in the UK and kickstart the development of a robust local supply chain for floating offshore wind. These projects will also help to position the UK to supply the new and rapidly growing global floating offshore wind market, which is expected to reach 300 GW in the next 30 years.

Cenos, through the electrification and decarbonisation of participating oil and gas platforms will play a key role in helping deliver UK Government targets for offshore wind power capacity; specifically floating offshore wind. A key contributor to Scotland’s 2045 net zero targets, Cenos supports the North Sea Transition Deal aim to reduce offshore oil and gas sector emissions. Learn more about Cenos:

Cenos Floating Offshore Windfarm
Members of the public and other stakeholders are invited to attend a consultation event on the proposals for the Cenos Floating Offshore Windfarm. 
Cenos Floating Offshore Windfarm | Cenos Floating Offshore Windfarm

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Thunderstorms Warning

Thunderstorms Warning across parts of Scotland

Yellow weather warning issued for Thunderstorms Warning across parts of Scotland, Aberdeenshire, Peterhead

Monday 12 August 02:00 – Monday12 August 13:00

Thunderstorms may cause some disruption and damage to infrastructure during Monday.

What should I expect?

  • Spray and sudden flooding could lead to difficult driving conditions and some road closures
  • There is a small chance that some communities become temporarily cut off by flooded roads
  • Where flooding or lightning strikes occur, there is a chance of delays and some cancellations to train and bus services
  • There is a slight chance that power cuts could occur and other services to some homes and businesses could be lost
  • There is a small chance that homes and businesses could be flooded quickly, with damage to some buildings from floodwater, lightning strikes, hail or strong winds

A Flood alert has been issued for Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City.


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