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Aberdeenshire Council

Repair works Scotstown Beach Car Park

Repair works Scotstown Beach Car Park 19.08

Repair works Scotstown Beach Car Park, Access Road – 19th August 2024

Financial support from the Crown Estate’s Coastal Communities Fund is making it possible for Aberdeenshire Council to carry out repairs to the unadopted section of the access road to this important facility on Buchan’s spectacular east coast.

Scotstown Beach is a much-loved stretch of Aberdeenshire’s Coastal route and popular with local families, dog walkers and visitors from further afield.

These repair works are the next part of improving the overall visitor experience to Scotstown Beach following the upgrade works undertaken to this countryside car park earlier this year. This will significantly improve access to this coastal asset while still being in keeping with the site’s natural characteristics and topography.

Work is due to begin on Monday 19th August and take five days to complete. During this period the road and car park will be inaccessible and closed to the public (

Access will be available for residents/businesses only. We apologise for any inconvenience this will cause.

Scotstown Beach

Pictures of the Scotstown Beach



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Aberdeenshire community council nominations open 16.8.24

Aberdeenshire community council nominations open 19.08

This year, nominations to join an Aberdeenshire community council open on Monday, August 19, and will close on Sunday, September 8

Aberdeenshire’s network of around 70 community councils will be seeking interest from potential new members over the next few weeks as the area moves to a single election date for the first time. 

Previously, community councils sought to fill vacancies on various dates throughout the year. From this year onwards, the nomination period will be the same for all groups in the area. 

This year, nominations to join an Aberdeenshire community council open on Monday, August 19, and will close on Sunday, September 8. 

Community councils are voluntary groups made up of people who care about their community and want to make them a better place to live. 

Leader of Aberdeenshire Council Cllr Gillian Owen said: “Community councils provide an important voice for residents across Aberdeenshire and have been responsible for some fantastic activities and projects that have made a real difference locally. 

“While in many cases previous members will want to continue representing their communities, it’s also important to attract new members to keep groups sustainable and bring new ideas to the table, and I would encourage anybody who would like to be involved to complete a nomination form.”

Deputy Leader Cllr Anne Stirling said: “Aberdeenshire Council benefits from a very close relationship with the community council network and together we can help achieve successes at a very local level. 

“That’s why it’s important to ensure there are enough candidates to allow each community council to form, otherwise this could leave considerable gaps in the representation of local views and involvement in council activities. By offering just a few hours a month, a great deal can be achieved.”

Duties of community councils can include carrying out local projects, preparing community newsletters, responding to council consultations, campaigning on local issues, and organising community events. 

Community councillors will be provided with training and ongoing support from Aberdeenshire Council. 

Further information, including the Aberdeenshire community council nomination form and guidance, can be found at

Aberdeenshire community council nominations open 16.8.24

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The iconic Carnegie Building in the heart of Peterhead

The heart of Peterhead iconic Carnegie Building

Aberdeenshire Council is embarking on a search for a new operator of the iconic Carnegie Building in the heart of Peterhead.

Forming the original home of the town’s Public Library and Arbuthnot Museum, the St Peter Street property will shortly undergo a major conservation restoration as part of the wider Cultural Quarter project being supported by the UK Government’s Department of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

As part of the development of the Cultural Quarter in Peterhead, the library and museum will be moving to a dynamic new home at a refurbished and extended Arbuthnot House on the town’s Broad Street in the heart of Peterhead. 

The Carnegie Building will then become available as a new venue offering the opportunity to cultural entrepreneurs, creative third sector organisations or social enterprises to find an inspiring place to deliver their creative vision.

Built in the 1890s and associated with the legacy of Andrew Carnegie, the Carnegie Building offers around 800 square metres of space over four floors including the iconic clock tower.

It is to undergo a sensitive restoration, including essential upgrades which will enable it to function as a modern, accessible multi-use cultural venue with the potential of a performance space, music and dance rehearsal studios and a vibrant café/bar. 

The council’s Buchan Area Manager, Amanda Roe, explains: “This is a very exciting opportunity for a new tenant to take on the management of this historic building and create a vibrant new asset not just for Peterhead but the wider region.

The iconic Carnegie Building in the heart of Peterhead
Built in the 1890s and associated with the legacy of Andrew Carnegie, the Carnegie Building offers around 800 square metres of space over four floors including the iconic clock tower | The iconic Carnegie Building in the heart of Peterhead

“It will be a tremendous venue for live music and other live performances and from an educational aspect it will also accommodate dance and music schools or visual arts and design. The new facility will also provide the perfect showcase for emerging talent and the contemporary arts, designed to meet the cultural needs of a younger generation and increase the appeal of retaining young people in the area.

“We are really keen to see any approaches which support local businesses and increases employment and which strengthen the night-time and town centre footfall with an enhanced cultural offer.”

The council will also consider interest from property agents, hospitality and other commercial organisations where a social and cultural focus is evident. The tenant could be a charity, a community interest company or a private organisation, or a consortium comprising cultural and hospitality partners.

Parties are being invited to register their interest and to arrange viewings by emailing 

The iconic Carnegie Building in the heart of Peterhead
Aberdeenshire Council is embarking on a search for a new operator of the iconic Carnegie Building in the heart of Peterhead | The iconic Carnegie Building in the heart of Peterhead

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A2B dial-a-bus service

The A2B dial-a-bus service benefits across Aberdeenshire

Remember to enjoy the benefits of the A2B dial-a-bus service across Aberdeenshire

A2B Dial a bus 1 min

Aberdeenshire Council is reminding residents of the benefits of the A2B dial-a-bus shopper services which operate across much of the region. 

The A2B buses run on Mondays to Fridays between approximately 9.30am and 2.30pm.

A2B is a free council-run minibus service which can be used by anyone for travel if there is no other suitable bus service in the area. 

If there is alternative public transport, A2B services are provided for older and disabled residents only using low-floor, wheelchair-accessible vehicles. 

A2B dial-a-bus services are available for local travel from as far afield as the Mearns, Alford, Banchory and Peterhead and serve many towns villages and communities in between – in most cases offering a door-to-door service. 

Where A2B operates in towns it may be able to provide transport to health appointments, depending on times.

A2B Dial a bus 2 min

Full service provision including operating times is available at

Marion Mackay from Aberdeenshire Council’s Passenger Transport Unit, explains: “Our flexible town services endeavour to pick you up at the time you requested, but as all bookings are taken on a first come, first-served basis, you may be offered a trip at a slightly different time to fit in with other passenger bookings. Rural shopper service tend to operate to a timetable, albeit timings may vary depending on the number and location of bookings.

“We are very fortunate to have such wonderful dial-a-bus services operating in many parts of Aberdeenshire which helps tremendously whether that be a trip to the shops or the Post Office, or simply a catch-up with friends and family. It’s easy to book and our drivers make every effort to make the passenger experience enjoyable.”

So how do you book? Simply call the A2B dial-a-bus service hotline on 01467 535333, open on Mondays to Fridays between 9.30am and 3.30pm, no later than the day before travel. Alternatively you can email 

For general enquiries call the hotline on Mondays to Fridays between 9:00am and 5pm or email 

A2B dial-a-bus service
Remember to enjoy the benefits of the A2B dial-a-bus service across Aberdeenshire

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