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FREE online course

FREE online course – Foyer Families

Foyer Families FREE online course runs for 16 weeks.

If you’re a parent or carer who’s looking to build confidence and learn new skills then our online course “Foyer Families” is just for you.

“Foyer Families” – FREE online course starts on Tuesday 24th August within Aberdeenshire and runs for 16 weeks.

It’s a great opportunity to gain important skills and ​accredited qualifications while cultivating a meaningful team experience– at a pace that works well for people with young children and busy lives!

FREE online course – Foyer Families is a 16-week fully funded programme created and delivered by Aberdeen Foyer which will help you to:

  • Achieve accredited learning and employability skills
  • Progress into further education and employment​
  • Support your child’s development​ through learning and play
  • Improve the health and wellbeing of yourself and your family

FREE online Course dates 
This course will run from the 24th of August 2021 to the 10th of December 2021
Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
9.30am to 2.30pm

Aberdeen Foyer is working in partnership with North East Scotland College to deliver a City & Guilds Extended Level 1 Certificate in Employability skills. REHIS Food Hygiene and Pediatric First Aid certificates will also be available during the course. Child development workshops will also be delivered.

college and council logo

Additional support such as childcare provision and access to digital kit can also be provided during the course.

The course will be delivered online with access to course leaders and personalised support.

Is this course for me?

If you Are a parents/carer with children under 12 looking to do any of the following:​

  • ​Develop personal confidence ​​
  • Meet other parents ​and contribute to shared learning
  • Take part in a meaningful team experience ​​
  • Obtain accredited qualifications
  • Learn how to further support your child’s learning and play in everyday life ​
  • Consider if further education, training, or work is a possibility for you ​​

Then this FREE online course is for you.

As part of Foyer Families you’ll complete 5 City and Guilds units:

  • Building personal confidence
  • Contributing to healthy living
  • Effective skills and qualities for learning and work
  • Coping with change
  • Managing personal finance
  • A range of course related activities to boost productivity, team building and personal confidence
  • You will also gain a broader understanding of how learning and play contributes to child development.
  • Attend wellbeing sessions including: Mindfulness, Stretch and Tone and Tai Chi
  • Be invited to course-related talks from a range of external organisations and partners
FREE online course - Foyer Families
FREE online course

FREE online Course Content

Week 1/2: Getting to know you
A chance to get to know one another and set the foundation for an exciting journey with Foyer Families.

Week 3/4: Building personal confidence
Working together to understand personal confidence, while branching out into related activities to help build your own personal confidence.

Week 4/5: Contributing to own healthy living
Looking closely at what contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Guided cooking sessions and Food Hygiene will be used to support your learning along with a range of relevant activities.

Week 6/7: Effective skills and qualities
Working together to highlight and build upon existing skills to prepare you for the working and learning environment.

Week 8/9: Managing personal finance
Focusing on planning and preparation you will gain the skills to develop budget plans and financial inclusion sessions will help you to manage your finances.

Week 10/11/12: Coping with change
Encourages you to explore the different types of change, including the impact of change and strategies to help you to cope with change.

Week 13/14: Skills development
Helping you to build your CV for potential job opportunities and preparing you for mock interviews and build progression pathways.

Week 15/16: What’s next?
Reviewing 16-week programme with discussion about future steps and finally your graduation!

Katie Summers (Aberdeenshire)​ M: 07979 199 896​

We can even help with childcare and digital kit if needed.
If you think this might be for you, or a family member/friend – then please get in touch by emailing

First minister

First Minister confirms almost all Scottish pupils return to school after Easter holidays

First minister announced – there are some changes to the rules, including the removal of the two metre distance between pupils as schools are told to “improve ventilation”.

The First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed today that “virtually all” of Scotland’s high school pupils will be making a full-time return to education after the Easter holidays.

The First Minister Nicola Sturgeon confirmed students will be allowed to return as normal after two weeks off for the half-term break following an assessment of relevant data. There is an exception for children on the shielding list who are recommended to stay at home until April 26.

She said “When the Easter holidays end, virtually all pupils will return to school full-time, so secondary schools will go back to in-person, full-time learning.”

First Minister
First Minister confirms almost all Scottish pupils return to school after Easter holidays

The two-metre physical distancing rule will be scrapped while twice weekly Covid-19 testing is to be introduced in Scotland for staff and students. Nicola Sturgeon said schools should consider how to “strengthen other mitigations” such as ventilation.

Secondary pupils have so far only been able to spend a limited amount of time in the classroom after the Scottish Government closed schools to most pupils for a second time at the beginning of this year.

Back to school

Back to school, from 22 February

Back to school – Phased return for some pupils.

Children back to school in early learning and childcare and in primaries 1-3 are now scheduled to make a full return to nurseries and schools from 22 February.

In addition, very limited numbers of pupils in S4-6 will also be able to complete in-school practical work that is essential for completing national qualifications on a part-time basis from the same date

Some children and young people with significant additional support needs will also be prioritised for a return to in-person provision, for those most urgently in need of support.

All other pupils back to school, with the exception of vulnerable children and those of key workers, will continue with remote learning.

To complement the return to in-school teaching, there will be a significant expansion of testing. People who work in schools, early learning and childcare settings attached to schools, and senior phase pupils, will be offered at-home testing two times a week.

When back to school: two metre physical distancing for adults and pupils will be required in secondary schools in the period immediately after a return.

Where required, updated guidance (and associated mitigations) will be published for all relevant settings that allows for the current circumstances and latest scientific advice. All these measures will be kept under regular review.

These decisions will be confirmed on Tuesday 16 February – providing sufficient progress in tackling the virus has been made.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said:

“I appreciate only too well the burden being placed on many families as they navigate this COVID pandemic. I am also acutely aware of the need to maintain teaching and learning wherever possible. In doing so, the health and wellbeing of our children, young people and staff is paramount.

“My priority has been to ensure a safe return for children and young people to school and nursery as quickly as possible. That is why the steps that have been announced today are guided by the advice of the Chief Medical Officer and public health experts. Children and young people will begin a gradual, phased return to classrooms supported by a testing regime and enhanced guidance. A sense of caution underpins the plans unveiled today, but this is essential as we work to return to full time teaching in schools.”

The schedule, subject to confirmation on 16 February, is:

February 22 – Full time return for pre-school children in early learning and childcare settings and children in P1-3.

February 22 – Part time return for senior phase pupils – S4, S5 and S6 – on a limited basis, for essential in-school practical work only. It is intended that there will be no more than 5 – 8% of a secondary school roll physically present at any one time for these purposes.

February 22 – Small increase for additional support needs where there is a demonstrable and immediate need.

All other primary and secondary pupils will continue to use remote learning until at least the beginning of March except in the case of vulnerable children and those of key workers. We will review this position every two weeks.

School age childcare services will also remain open only to vulnerable children and those of key workers pending further scientific advice.

All children who are eligible for free school meals will continue to receive them during this period.

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