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Tag: Peterhead

Peterhead Producers Market

Peterhead Producers Market 03 April

Peterhead Producers Market planned for Saturday 3/4/21.

Will be the first market since highly successful launch in November 2020, Rediscover Peterhead is delighted to confirm that the Peterhead Producers’ Market planned for Saturday 03/04/2021.

Here is Last Producer’s Market

This market will focus on Food and Drink and Peterhead Producers’ Market would urge any businesses who are interested in taking part to get in touch as soon as possible.

First market in November was really successful, with a number of traders commenting that it was their best ever trading day at any market.

Peterhead Producers Market 1
Peterhead Producers Market in November 2020

Priority will be given to those who supported first event and then on a first come first basis with the emphasis being very much on local Scottish produce.

The pitch fee is £40 which includes a fully assembled stall, if required.

Market stall fees have been subsidised by Rediscover Peterhead with the support of funding from Aberdeenshire Council and the NESFLAG Coastal Communities Challenge Fund.

Peterhead Producers’ Market Will be working hard to ensure a well organised and safe market with a one-way system in operation.

Peterhead Producers Market 2
One-Way System

For further information and bookings, please contact Alasdair who is our market operator –

Peterhead roadwork

Peterhead Roadworks.

Peterhead Roadworks on 15 Ugie street, Peterhead.

Peterhead roadwork

Temporary restriction of traffic on road.

▶️ Start Date/Time 10 Feb 2021

▶️ End Date/Time 10 Feb 2021

Location roadworks: Outside 15 Ugie street, Peterhead, either side of road. For 1 Days

Peterhead roadworks
Peterhead roadwork

Access will be provided for emergency and vehicles requiring access to properties but may be subject to delay until the road is cleared of construction plant to allow safe passage through the work.

Any queries please contact Sunbelt Rentals – 0370 050 0792

RNLI Peterhead


RNLI Peterhead Lifeboat involved in epic rescue saving five lives

The alarm was raised at 4.30pm when a fishing vessel was towing another fishing vessel into Peterhead Harbour and the tow broke numerous times due to the stormy weather conditions.

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RNLI Peterhead Lifeboat

Tasked by HM Coastguard, the volunteer crew rushed to the Station, launched Peterhead’s Tamar-class lifeboat The Misses Robertson of Kintail and were on scene within minutes. The vessel was dangerously close to crashing into the rocks at Peterhead South Breakwater and due to an easterly gale and significant swell combined with a backwash the conditions were extremely challenging when the lifeboat arrived.

However, the crew established a tow at the first attempt and brought the fishing vessel and its crew back to safety in tough and time critical conditions, saving the five lives onboard.

rnli peterhead
Credit by RNLI Peterhead Lifeboat

It was Patrick Davidson’s first shout as Coxswain.


He said:

“This was a really tremendous effort by the crew showing great teamwork and seamanship by all involved in really difficult conditions. If we had arrived seconds later the boat would have hit the rocks and it may have been a different outcome.

“As soon as I saw how close she was to the rocks I immediately requested the helicopter – due to the perilous situation I realised we only had one attempt to get this right.

“The crew and the skipper of the boat could not thank the lifeboat enough and said they’d be forever grateful which makes all the effort worthwhile.

“There has been weather and flood warnings in place across Aberdeenshire today – the conditions were very dangerous but everyone worked together to ensure the safest outcome.”

Jurgen Wahle, Lifeboat Operations Manager, commended the crew for their quick and crucial efforts to save lives at sea. He said: “This was really a phenomenal performance by all involved, showcasing great leadership from Pat on his first shout as Coxswain and excellent teamwork from the rest of the crew.

“This was a critical incident and the effort from everyone on shore and at sea has resulted in five lives being saved. It is a tremendous outcome, and I’d like to commend the bravery displayed by the crew.”

Morrisons Peterhead

Morrisons Peterhead – New Doorstep deliveries 1.

Morrisons Peterhead – Doorstep deliveries within 15 miles of the store. They are separate from Home delivery.

This service is for the elderly, vulnerable, shielding and self isolating

Information about our doorstep deliveries within 15 miles of the store. They are separate from Home delivery .

You phone your order in to the call centre, and it gets delivered next day.

You pay the driver for your shopping by chip & pin or contactless.

Do you know someone who might need this service, please pass it on.

You can order on any day as we deliver 7 days a week.

There is no maximum spend, just phone in and order your groceries.

Morrisons Doorstep deliveries within 15 miles of the store. They are separate from Home delivery.
Morrisons Doorstep deliveries within 15 miles of the store. They are separate from Home delivery.

Delivery charge: £2.50

Give the a call to Peterhead on – 03456116111 or visite Morrisons website.


Peterhead.Live on Facebook or Twitter to get more actual information

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