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Tag: Peterhead

Charity shop Peterhead

New Peterhead Charity Shop 38 Marischal st.

Clan Cancer Support Set To Open New Peterhead Charity Shop in Heart Of Town

Local Charity shop, Clan Cancer Support is set to open the doors of its new retail premises in the heart of Peterhead on Thursday 28th April 2022. The new shop will see hundreds of items of clothing, household goods and gifts donated from residents across the north-east, available to buy in support of Clan’s work with individuals and families affected by cancer..

Situated at 38 Marischal Street, the charity shop will initially open on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday on their first week from 10am to 4pm. The fresh new look shop will give the Peterhead community a fantastic opportunity to donate and purchase items while helping to support Clan at a local level and beyond.

Heather Ramshaw, Clan’s Retail and E-Commerce Coordinator says, “We’re delighted to be opening our new shop in the heart of Peterhead. We are looking forward to getting to know people in the area and spreading as much awareness about Clan as possible, as well as raising money to help support those affected by cancer.

“We are always on the lookout for donations to keep our shops stocked up, without them they simply would not function. We would encourage anyone to have a clear out and pop along to drop off and donate any unwanted items. You can get in touch or visit our website to find out more about what you can and cannot donate.

Charity shop Peterhead
Photo by Clan Cancer Support Charity Shop

Heather continues, “As well as donations, we also need your help and support to be able to continue to keep our shop up and running. At Clan we rely on a fantastic group of volunteers to support our work at our many centres and shops.

“We have a great need to recruit more volunteers for our Peterhead premises ahead of us opening on the 28th and we would welcome any help offered. This is a wonderful opportunity to volunteer with an amazing charity which supports thousands of people affected by cancer each year. If you think you could give some time of a couple of hours or more per week, know of any groups or organisations that could contribute or can help in anyway, please get in touch.”

The Peterhead charity shop is the first to make use of the charity’s new branding which will be rolled out across other Clan shops and centres in the north-east and Northern Isles. The fresh new look is set to catch the eye of the local community and bring Clan to the centre of town.

Peterhead’s nearest support centre is based at the Crimond Medical and Community Hub which is only a short journey away. The Clan Crimond facility has a large drop-in area where Clan staff and volunteers will offer support and information, without the need for an appointment. There are also dedicated rooms for Children and Family support, Counselling and Therapies.

Clan encourages people to stop by to see what the new shop has to offer. If anyone wishes to donate any items or kindly wants to volunteer their time to help out, you can get in touch or go along to speak to one of Clan’s staff members from the 28th April.

You can also visit Clan’s website to find out more about donations, volunteering and retail opening hours.

Received this information with request to published from Clan Cancer Support

Clan Cancer Support Peterhead Charity Shop

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