Smallest cat in the world Nr1
The rusty-spotted cat (Prionailurus rubiginosus) is one of the Smallest cat in the world
The smallest feline in the world is the rusty-spotted cat native to the deciduous forests of India and Sri Lanka.
The average rusty-spotted cat measures at around 35–48cm in body length as well as another 15–30cm of tail length. It could very easily fit into your hands if it was to curl up. Weight: 0.9 to 1.6 kg (2.0 to 3.5 lb)
It is listed as “Near Threatened” on the IUCN Red List, and its population is decreasing.
Rodents and birds are, as you may have expected, their main course when it comes to this cute cat’s meals. However, if need be, they also dart towards other small prey like lizards, frogs, and insects.
When they can’t find dinner on the ground, they’ve been known to scale trees for their next meal.

Much of the rusty-spotted cat’s cuteness comes from its coat and size. The rare animals are often described as a smaller version of a leopard, sporting a rust-colored coat and less, but still present, spots.
There are roughly 10,000 rusty spotted cats alive today, in addition to the 40 to 50 specimens kept in captivity. Shrinking habitats threaten the species’s status in the wild, but conservationists are optimistic about their chances of survival.
The cats are more adaptable than previously believed, capable of surviving in bamboo forests, wooded grasslands, dry scrublands, and on rocky hillsides in addition to the moist forests where they’re normally found.

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