New Peterhead Bonfire 5th November
November 5, 2024
6:30 PM
Peterhead Gadle Braes
Gadle Braes, Peterhead, AB42 1P
Famous Gadle Braes Peterhead Bonfire in November 2024
The bonfire is coming along.
From 6:30pm
- Music
- Food van
- Light up
- Toys and much more
Bonfire lit approx 7:30pm
Organiser The Gadle Braes Peterhead.
There will be no fireworks and the public will not be allowed any fireworks in the bonfire area.
Please do not dump anything at the Gadle Braes Bon fire site.

Peterhead Bonfire 5th November
Roads closure from 15:00 – 23:30:
- Gadle Braes (from Ware road to Raemoss Road)
- Cairncatto Road (from Gadle Braes to Ugie Street)
- George Road (from Ugie Street to Gadle Braes)
- Ware Road (from Harbour Street to Ugie Street)
- Rattray road (from Ware road to Cairncatto Road)
There is also Prohibition of Waiting:
- Burns Road (from Ugie Street to Gadle Braes) No Local access

Peterhead Town Stagecoach Service ( Service 83) WILL NOT be servicing Blackhouse Terrace / Ugie Road / Ugie Street / Victoria Road from 15:00 – 23:00 on Tuesday 05th November due to the Gadlebraes Bonfire.
The service will use Queen Street / Balmoor Terrace only.

A licence has been application has been made to Aberdeenshire Council for this event. All regulation

More information to follow Gadle Braes on Facebook.

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