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Scotland will move

Scotland will move to Level 0 on Monday First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon today confirmed that all of Scotland will move to Level 0 Covid -19 restrictions on Monday – however, there would be a number of changes to what had previously been announced.

Scottish Government covid protection levels update

From Monday (19 July) Scotland will move to Level 0, with modifications on previous guidance:

Scotland will move to Level 0 with Main changes new things:

  • Up to 8 people from 4 households can meet in your home or theirs – and can stay overnight.
  • Up to 10 people from 4 households can meet in an indoor public place with 1m distance between households.
  • Up to 15 people from 15 households can meet outdoors in your garden or a public place for informal gathering – distancing not required within the group of 15 outdoors, but different groups need to distance.
  • You do not need to physically distance from family and friends in a private home.
  • Customers no longer need to pre-book a two-hour time slot in hospitality venues (unless the venue requests it) but track and trace details must still be collected.
  • Hospitality venues must close at midnight.
  • Those arriving from amber list countries will no longer have to isolate on arrival in Scotland, if double vaccinated and return a negative PCR test.
  • You can travel anywhere in Scotland.
  • You can travel anywhere in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands – before you travel you must check the travel rules in those countries.
  • Up to 200 people can attend weddings and funerals.
  • You should still work from home where possible.
  • All organized outdoor and indoor sports, personal training, organized exercise and coaching are permitted with safety measures.
  • Small seated indoor events are permitted with a maximum of 400 people.
  • Outdoor seated and open space events are advised to operate with a maximum capacity of 2,000 people.
  • Outdoor grouped standing events are advised to operate with a maximum capacity of 1,000 people.
  • We still shouldn’t be car sharing with those not in our household.
  • We should be testing regularly, regardless of whether or not we have COVID-19 symptoms – full details on different types of testing:…/coronavirus-covid-19-getting…/
  • Make sure you get both doses of your vaccine to reduce the risk of serious illness if you catch COVID-19.
  • Beyond Level 0 (on track for 9 August), the blanket self-isolation of all close contacts will be removed if double vaccinated and return a negative PCR test.
  • Advice is being gathered on the removal of self-isolation of young people who are close contacts in education settings. A further update and decision on this will be taken before the return of schools.
  • The next full review of the protection levels will take place on Tuesday 3 August ahead of the potential move beyond Level 0 from Monday 9 August.
Scotland will move
Scotland will move to Level 0

Scotland will move to Level 0: what you can do

Check the level for an area using the postcode tool.

At Level 0:

  • you can meet socially in groups:
    • of up to 8 people from 4 households in your home or theirs – and can stay overnight
    • of up to 10 people from 4 households in an indoor public place like a café, pub or restaurant
    • of up to 15 people from 15 households outdoors
  • under 12s do not count towards the total number of people or households meeting outside but count towards the household numbers indoors
  • you do not need to physically distance from family and friends in a private home
  • you can travel anywhere in Scotland in Levels 0, 1 or 2 but must not enter a Level 3 or 4 area unless for a permitted reason
  • you can travel anywhere in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands – before you travel you must check the travel rules in those countries
  • you can provide informal childcare, for example to look after a grandchild
  • up to 200 people can attend weddings and funerals
  • tradespeople can carry out any work in your home such as painting, decorating or repairing
  • you should work from home where possible


Everyone is encouraged to get tested, as around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 do not have symptoms. Testing is free and results are available in around 30 minutes. Read guidance on getting tested.

Scotland will move to Level 0 What can open:

Places and business that can open at Level 0 include:

  • cafés, pubs and restaurants
  • all shops and stores
  • all close contact services including hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons
  • all sport and exercise
  • tourist accommodation
  • all visitor attractions
  • all public buildings like libraries and community centres
  • all entertainment (apart from nightclubs and adult entertainment)
  • stadiums and events – with maximum numbers
  • a limited and phased return to offices

What must close at Level 0

Places and business that must close at Level 0 include:

  • Nightclubs and adult entertainment.

FREE online course

FREE online course – Foyer Families

Foyer Families FREE online course runs for 16 weeks.

If you’re a parent or carer who’s looking to build confidence and learn new skills then our online course “Foyer Families” is just for you.

“Foyer Families” – FREE online course starts on Tuesday 24th August within Aberdeenshire and runs for 16 weeks.

It’s a great opportunity to gain important skills and ​accredited qualifications while cultivating a meaningful team experience– at a pace that works well for people with young children and busy lives!

FREE online course – Foyer Families is a 16-week fully funded programme created and delivered by Aberdeen Foyer which will help you to:

  • Achieve accredited learning and employability skills
  • Progress into further education and employment​
  • Support your child’s development​ through learning and play
  • Improve the health and wellbeing of yourself and your family

FREE online Course dates 
This course will run from the 24th of August 2021 to the 10th of December 2021
Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
9.30am to 2.30pm

Aberdeen Foyer is working in partnership with North East Scotland College to deliver a City & Guilds Extended Level 1 Certificate in Employability skills. REHIS Food Hygiene and Pediatric First Aid certificates will also be available during the course. Child development workshops will also be delivered.

college and council logo

Additional support such as childcare provision and access to digital kit can also be provided during the course.

The course will be delivered online with access to course leaders and personalised support.

Is this course for me?

If you Are a parents/carer with children under 12 looking to do any of the following:​

  • ​Develop personal confidence ​​
  • Meet other parents ​and contribute to shared learning
  • Take part in a meaningful team experience ​​
  • Obtain accredited qualifications
  • Learn how to further support your child’s learning and play in everyday life ​
  • Consider if further education, training, or work is a possibility for you ​​

Then this FREE online course is for you.

As part of Foyer Families you’ll complete 5 City and Guilds units:

  • Building personal confidence
  • Contributing to healthy living
  • Effective skills and qualities for learning and work
  • Coping with change
  • Managing personal finance
  • A range of course related activities to boost productivity, team building and personal confidence
  • You will also gain a broader understanding of how learning and play contributes to child development.
  • Attend wellbeing sessions including: Mindfulness, Stretch and Tone and Tai Chi
  • Be invited to course-related talks from a range of external organisations and partners
FREE online course - Foyer Families
FREE online course

FREE online Course Content

Week 1/2: Getting to know you
A chance to get to know one another and set the foundation for an exciting journey with Foyer Families.

Week 3/4: Building personal confidence
Working together to understand personal confidence, while branching out into related activities to help build your own personal confidence.

Week 4/5: Contributing to own healthy living
Looking closely at what contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Guided cooking sessions and Food Hygiene will be used to support your learning along with a range of relevant activities.

Week 6/7: Effective skills and qualities
Working together to highlight and build upon existing skills to prepare you for the working and learning environment.

Week 8/9: Managing personal finance
Focusing on planning and preparation you will gain the skills to develop budget plans and financial inclusion sessions will help you to manage your finances.

Week 10/11/12: Coping with change
Encourages you to explore the different types of change, including the impact of change and strategies to help you to cope with change.

Week 13/14: Skills development
Helping you to build your CV for potential job opportunities and preparing you for mock interviews and build progression pathways.

Week 15/16: What’s next?
Reviewing 16-week programme with discussion about future steps and finally your graduation!

Katie Summers (Aberdeenshire)​ M: 07979 199 896​

We can even help with childcare and digital kit if needed.
If you think this might be for you, or a family member/friend – then please get in touch by emailing

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