Minor Injury Unit Peterhead new hours from 1.07
The Minor Injury Unit opening hours at Peterhead 8:30 – 19:00, Fraserburgh and Huntly will be changing from, today, Monday 1st July.
Doctors from Peterhead Health Centre have today said they will not support the move, which plans to scrap out-of-hours care at Peterhead Community Hospital.
The Units will now be open 8:30 – 19:00 7 days a week through the day.
If you have a minor injury, at any time, you need to call NHS 24 on 111 and if you need an appointment to be seen, one will be made for you at your nearest unit.
The Minor Injury Unit is not a ‘walk-in’ service and you will need to make an appointment.
The MIU’s do not deal with illnesses – stomach upset, cough or high temperature should be directed to self-care, local pharmacy or GP/111. Anything life threatening such as chest pain or suspected stroke should call 999.
You should call NHS 24 on 111 when:
• you think you need A&E but it’s not life or limb threatening.
• you need support with mental health distress.
• you need urgent care, and your GP, pharmacy or dental practice is closed.