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Friday wet and windy weather 30.09

wet and windy

The weather will bring in Friday wet and windy weather across northern and western parts of Scotland

The strongest winds will be across northern and western Scotland on Friday, but it will be very windy for most.

Heavy rain bringing a chance of some flooding and disruption. SEPA an Issued Flood Alert Has Been on 30 September.

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60-70 mph across Orkney and the Western Isles, and 45-60mph across the north coast.

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wet and windy
Friday wet and windy weather 30.09

What to expect

  • Bus and train services probably affected with journey times taking longer
  • Spray and flooding on roads probably making journey times longer
yellow weather alert min

Yellow Weather Warning issued

Wind across northern and western parts of Scotland, Friday 08:00 – 15:00

More details:


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